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Encouraging students to pursue grassroot sports activities outdoor in an Eco-friendly manner

The ECOCOM project will create training materials for sports teachers and coaches that will enable them to conduct training sessions with young people at school (aged 7 to 16) and in sports clubs. They can use them to conduct sports activities that take into account nature as a whole from an ecological point of view, in order to reduce and avoid the negative impacts of sports activities (destruction of forest soils, damage to plants and wildlife, etc.) on nature.

Project Content and objectives

The objectives of the project are:

  • To increase the number of young people who practice outdoor sports in an environmentally friendly way
  • To promote and develop sports that are compatible with nature and the environment
  • Improve the environmental sustainability of sports-related infrastructure

Within the framework of ECOCOM, the following intellectual outputs will be developed:

  • A "Train the Trainer" manual for sports teachers and coaches, focusing on the organization and implementation of environmentally friendly grassroots sports activities in schools and through non-formal actions of sports and youth organizations
  • A handbook "How to practice outdoor sports activities in an environmentally friendly way" on how to conduct sports activities, for children and young people themselves, taking into account tips and tricks they can follow when preparing and conducting sports activities
  • A multilingual mobile app supported by an informative online community portal. It contains educational videos for children / youth / teachers / sports coaches.

Download the current project newsletter #3!


Im Rahmen von ECOCOM entstehen:

  • ein „Train the Trainer“-Handbuch für Sportlehrer:innen und -trainer:innen, das sich auf die Organisation und Durchführung umweltfreundlicher Breitensportaktivitäten in Schulen und über nicht formale Maßnahmen von Sport und Jugendorganisationen konzentriert
  • ein Handbuch „Wie man Sportaktivitäten im Freien auf umweltfreundliche Weise ausübt“ zur Durchführung von Sportaktivitäten, für Kinder und Jugendliche selbst, unter Berücksichtigung von Tipps und Tricks, die sie bei der Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Sportaktivitäten verfolgen können
  • eine mehrsprachige mobile App, die von einem informativen Online-Community-Portal unterstützt wird. Sie enthält Lehrvideos für Kinder / Jugendliche / Lehrer:innen / Sporttrainer:innen

Hier geht's zum aktuellen Newsletter #3 des Projekts!


Project partners: Turkey (coordinator), Bulgaria, Greece, Slovenia, Austria

Project duration: January 2020 - December 2022

  • ECOCOM Logo
  • ECOCOM Erasmus Plus Logo

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.