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Promotion of Young Women in Sustainable Professions

The Women4Green project targets (young) women in the career orientation phase with the goal of making professions in the green sector (sustainability industry) known, attractive and tangible. 

A striking gender gap can also be observed in the green sector, which means there are extremely few women working in this field. And this despite the fact that this sector offers good prospects for the future.

The project aims not only at promoting green jobs for women but also to support companies in implementing strategies to address and recruit women in a more targeted manner.

Project goals: 

  • Strengthening young women's interest in future careers in the green economy.
  • Promote women in green careers (sustainable sector occupations).
  • Provide guidance on how to increase young women's interest and recruitment for future careers in the green economy
  • Supporting young women in career guidance
  • Empowering young women to choose careers in the green economy
  • Contributing to gender equality in green economy jobs.


As part of the project, there will be...

  • A catalog of green sector occupations produced, including an overview of relevant skills and knowledge for a career in this field
  • A didactic concept created to guide the introduction of young women to green careers.
  • Podcasts developed and a community built and reinforced.
  • Learning materials created
  • Career guidance workshops conducted, for which a custom game is being developed
  • Guidelines for green businesses created on how to attract and hire more women.


Project partners: Austria (coordination), Sweden, Italy, Turkey, Malta

Project duration: November 2021 to April 2024

Project website:

  • Logo Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
  • Women4Green Logo

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