Donations for the ÖJAB Ukraine Aid
Please help us to help!
ÖJAB collects Donations for Refugees from Ukraine. –
We give refugees from Ukraine a new home
From February 28, 2022, ÖJAB provided places to stay for around 130 refugees from Ukraine in several student dorms within a few days. These temporary emergency quarters were mostly used until the summer of 2022.
Today, around 70 people who have fled the Ukraine live in the two ÖJAB houses in Eisenstadt and Mödling on a long-term or permanent basis.

Your donation helps us to help!
With your donation, ÖJAB can help people who have fled Ukraine: in special emergency situations and with purchases that cannot be afforded from the basic state supply.

Donate Now!
Donation account:
Raiffeisenlandesbank Niederösterreich-Wien AG
Name: Hubert Schober-Sozialfonds der ÖJAB
Intended use: Ukraine
IBAN: AT58 3200 0000 0353 1100

Please scan the QR code with your banking app.

Donations to ÖJAB are tax-deductible in Austria!
In several ÖJAB dormitories in Vienna and Mödling, ÖJAB collected in-kind donations for refugees in Ukraine.
This donation campaign for people in Ukraine in cooperation with the Polish Church has been completed.
Four delivery vans full of donations in kind from ÖJAB and several separate transports of large donations (especially jackets and medicines) were brought to the Ukraine.
Many thanks to all donors!