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Completed projects

A selection of completed projects and events


Expanding basic programming skills

The INFO-PRO project aimed to increase young people's opportunities for entering the digital job market. This was achieved through extracurricular activities focused on acquiring digital competencies and basic digital skills. Young participants had the opportunity to enhance their fundamental programming skills and develop small games, giving them valuable insights into general programming and the world of game development. In addition to programming basics, more general topics were also covered, such as creating resumes, setting up an email account, and handling digital tasks.


  • Facilitating access to the job market for young people from marginalized/disadvantaged groups.
  • Providing basic programming knowledge and digital skills.
  • Training teachers, instructors, and youth workers from all three partner countries (Austria, Hungary, Slovakia) in delivering programming/coding skills.

PROJEct Activities

  • Offering an informal extracurricular educational program for 60 young people on a social and personal level.
  • Providing basic programming/coding skills for application in future careers.
  • Raising awareness of societal challenges: social inclusion of marginalized communities and the lack of IT skills.

Target Group

  • Young people between the ages of 13 and 18.
  • Instructors, youth workers, and social workers working in educational institutions.

Project coordinator: ÖJAB (Austria)

Project partner: Ternipe (Slovakia), NoBadKid - Pressley Ridge (Hungary), 2K2  (Hungary)

Project duration: March 2023 – December 2024

Project number: 2022-2-AT01-KA220-YOU-000094981 

  • Logo
  • EU Flag and info co-funded by the European Union

Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor OeAD-GmbH can be held responsible for them.


Digital Transformation and Gamification in School Education

Gameducate aimed to integrate digital transformation and gamification into formal education at the primary and secondary levels. The needs and challenges of teachers were identified to develop a gamification curriculum based on these insights. The adaptable curriculum was complemented by a digital toolkit and training for teachers to support its integration into the classroom.

Project activities

ProjeCt Goals

  • Identifying current needs and filtering out skill gaps related to innovative teaching methods and digital technologies in education in the partner countries. Based on this, innovative pedagogical approaches will be developed.
  • Enhancing the skills of teachers, school leaders, and other educational professionals.
  • Providing an adaptable curriculum, a comprehensive digital toolkit, and training to enable teachers to integrate digital technologies into their teaching.
  • Transferability of the GAMEDUCATE results to various educational levels (e.g., adult education).

Target Groups

  • Teachers, student teachers
  • Officials in school education and education policy

Project coordinator: CBE SUD (France)

Project partner: ÖJAB (Austria), CSICY  (Cyprus), Akata Makata (Greece), Universtiy of Macedonia (Greece), Ceipes  (Italy), DRPDNM (Slovenia), Geinnova (Spain), Osengo Europe (France)

Project duration: December 2022 – October 2024

Project number: 2022-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000089700

Project website:

Gameducate on Social Media: Facebook | Instagram 

  • Logo Gameducate
  • Logo EU and Erasmus+

Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be held responsible for them.


Promotion of entrepreneurship among young people.

The NGOE (Next Generation of Entrepreneurship) aims to foster the entrepreneurial spirit among young people.

From March 2022 to October 2024, ÖJAB had been involved as a project partner in the Erasmus+ funded youth project NGOE.

PROJEct goals

  • Promotion of entrepreneurial initiatives among young people by developing their entrepreneurial skills through an innovative non-formal educational methodology. 
  • Development of entrepreneurial skills using new ICT tools: creating new learning methods and integrating digital technologies into learning and teaching. 
  • Development of necessary tools based on a human-centered design approach that takes into account the individual's needs, desires, limitations, and environment.

Target Group

  • Youth workers and all professionals working with young people in a non-formal setting. 
  • Young people aged 15-19 who are attending secondary school.

Project coordinator: Raama Noorte Uhing Noorus MTU (Estonia)

Projektpartner:  ÖJAB (Austria), Asociación Projuven (Spain), Ruana (Italy), Asocitaia Se Poate (Romania)

Project duration: March 2022  – October 2024

Project number: 2021-2-EE01_KA220_YOU_00051095

Project website:

NGOe on Social Media: Facebook | Instagram

  • Logo NGOE
  • EU-Flag and info Erasmus+

Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be held responsible for them.


Creative Methods for Youth Workers

Youth-Rec aimed to counter the declining engagement, decreasing political participation, and lack of trust in democratic structures among young people.

In this context, youth workers were introduced to specific creative methods (storytelling, filmmaking, and graphic design) that they can integrate into their work with young people. Storytelling, film, and graphic design were seen and used as opportunities to empower young people to express their opinions creatively and share them with a broader audience.


  • Enhancing and promoting participatory skills among youth workers and youth organizations.
  • Motivating young people to express their dissatisfaction through creative and constructive engagement.
  • Bringing together young people from seven European countries to foster cross-border solidarity and empathy.
  • Implementing and promoting campaigns that raise awareness of the challenges faced by European youth.

Target Groups

  • Young people between the ages of 16 and 20.
  • Young people who are or have been socio-economically disadvantaged.
  • Youth workers and people who work with young people.
  • Youth organizations.

Project coordinator: Ceipes  (Italy)

Project partner: ÖJAB (Austria), Aspaym Castilla y Leon (Spain), I&F Education (Ireland), Eduact - Action for Education (Greece), Know and Can Association (Bulgaria), AICSCC - Gamma Institute (Romania) 

Project duration: September 2022 – October 2024

Project number: 2022-1-IT03-KA220-YOU-000085031

Project website:

Youth-Rec on Social Media: Facebook  I Instagram I YouTube 

  • Logo Youth Rec
  • Logo European Union an Erasmus+

Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be held responsible for them.


Promoting young women in sustainable careers 

Women4Green aimed to raise awareness of, make attractive, and tangible careers in the green sector (sustainability industry) for (young) women in the career orientation phase. Additionally, the project sought to support companies in implementing strategies to better target and recruit women. Despite the promising future of the sustainability sector, very few women are currently employed in this field.

Project activities

  • Creation of a catalog of green sector careers, which also provides an overview of relevant skills and knowledge needed for a career in this field.
  • Development of a didactic concept to guide young women toward green careers.
  • Creation of a podcast to build and empower a community.
  • Development of educational materials.
  • Organization of career orientation workshops, for which a custom game was developed.
  • Creation of guidelines for green companies on how to attract and hire more women.

Project Goals

  • Strengthening young women's interest in future careers within the green economy.
  • Promoting women in green careers (sustainability sector jobs).
  • Providing guidelines on how to increase interest and hire young women for future roles in the green economy.
  • Supporting young women in their career orientation.
  • Empowering young women to choose a career in the green economy.
  • Contributing to gender equality in green economy workplaces.

Target Group

  • Young women between the ages of 14 and 20 who are in the career orientation phase
  • Career counseling centers for youth
  • Companies in the sustainability sector

As part of the project, there is a dedicated podcast titled "Green Job - Dream Job?". You can listen to it on Spotify

Project coordinator: bit Schulungscenter (Austria)

Project partner: ÖJAB (Austria), Jonathan Cooperativa Sociale (Italy), SBTC Danismanlik (Türkiye)

Project duration: November 2021 – October 2024

Project number: 2021-1-AT01-KA220-YOU-000034217

Project website:

Women4Green on Social Media: Facebook I Instagram

  • Logo Women4Green
  • Logo EU and Erasmus+

Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be held responsible for them.


Digital Mindset for Carers

DiMiCare - Digital Mindset for Carers (Erasmus+ project) aimed to enhance the digital skills of care assistants and household helpers. This was achieved through the development of a comprehensive and flexible training package consisting of a modular training course and multimedia micro-learning units. The in-person and online training offerings help the target group improve the digital skills relevant to their daily work processes and understand the potential and efficient use of care-related technologies.

projeCt goals

  • DiMiCare Foundational Document: This document analyzed current trends in the use of technology in low-skilled care professions, existing training offerings, and identified training needs in the respective countries.
  • Modular DiMiCare Training Course: This course was designed for household helpers and care assistants and can be integrated into vocational education and training as an online, in-person, or hybrid course.
  • DiMiCare Micro-Learning Units: The micro-learning units were designed as short and simple multimedia online offerings, enabling care professionals to engage in individual learning in the workplace.

Target group

  • Care assistants and household helpers who wish to expand their professional digital skills.
  • Professionals in initial and continuing vocational education, as well as institutions that train care assistants and household helpers.
  • Multipliers, such as local, regional, national, and European networks in vocational education.
  • Decision-makers who can influence vocational education offerings at the local, regional, national, and European levels.
  • The general public.

Project activities

  • Raising awareness among stakeholders in the care and vocational education sectors about the potential of technology in caregiving.
  • Highlighting the need to expand training and education programs to include digital skills.
  • Increasing care professionals' awareness of the benefits of digital technologies in their professional practice.

There is a project overview flyer as well as one of the published newsletters:


Project coordinator: die Berater (Austria)

Project partner: ÖJAB (Austria), SOSU (Denmark), ENAIP (Italy), Landstede (Netherlands)

Project duration: November 2022 – October 2024

Project number: 2022-1-AT01-KA220-VET-000085278

Project website:

DiMi Care on Social Media: LinkedIn

  • Logo DiMiCare
  • EU Flag and info co-funded by the European Union

Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be held responsible for them.


Youth work in the context of the EU Youth Strategy

The project "READ" aimed to familiarize young professionals with the European Youth Work Agenda, the Bonn Process and with methods and knowledge which are not taught at universities (project management, activating methods of political education, work, and dealing with language barriers).  

The EYWA is a strategic framework for further developing and strengthening youth work policies and practices. It's characterized by a coordinated approach of stakeholders at different levels and in different areas. The Bonn Process is the way to make the EYWA happen, the Bonn Process puts the EYWA into action from the local, regional and national level to the European level. In this project, the partners will organize different types of activities at local and European level.

With READ, we wanted to respond to the needs of the organizations involved by making the EU more understandable for their target groups and by using new methods/fresh ideas of the young professionals to reflect on common values and democracy.

Project objectives

The objectives of the READ project were as follows:

Build bridges between older/experienced youth workers and "first generation" youth workers

Create new role models ("first generation" with university degrees) for young people who cannot imagine going to university because of their backgrounds

Involve young people in demystifying the European Youth Work Agenda and the Bonn Process to make it more understandable in terms of inclusion

Make young people understand and appreciate the importance of youth work

Capacity building for the organizations with young multipliers

Empower young people and young professionals.

Project target Groups

  • Young youth workers of the first generation (the first to graduate from higher education in their families) as role models for the next generations
  • Students ("first generation") at the end of their studies, already working in the organizations and having a job offer from their organization or also those who are doing a long-term internship

Project objectives

The objectives of the READ project were as follows:

  • Build bridges between older/experienced youth workers and "first generation" youth workers
  • Create new role models ("first generation" with university degrees) for young people who cannot imagine going to university because of their backgrounds
  • Involve young people in demystifying the European Youth Work Agenda and the Bonn Process to make it more understandable in terms of inclusion
  • Make young people understand and appreciate the importance of youth work
  • Capacity building for the organizations with young multipliers
  • Empower young people and young professionals.


Project partner: Yes Innovation and Research e. V - Koordinator (Germany), ÖJAB (Austria), Jongerenwerk Barkema en de Haan (Netherlands)

Project duration: May 2023 – June 2024

Project number: 2022-3-DE04-KA210-YOU-000095033

  • Logo Read
  • Logo Europäische Union

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


Directed by You(th)

Directed By You(th) addressed issues in civic engagement, apathy, disenfranchisement and low democratic trust among youth in Europe. The aim was to promote and achieve the aims of the European Youth Strategy: to engage, empower and connect youth. 

Project objectives

  • The improvement of the competencies of youth workers and youth organisations (utilizing video-making and graphic design with youth)
  • Youth participating within the project will transition from a state of frustration and disenfranchisement into empowerment and constructive engagement
  • Young people acquiring valuable skills in film-making and graphic design and (in a later stage oft he project) event planning, organisation, and promotion
  • European youth from seven different countries will be connected with each other, developing an understanding of the issues affecting other youth around Europe, and encouraging their empathy and solidarity
  • At the local and international level relevant stakeholders will be made aware of the youth’s campaigns and the challenges they are facing

Target Groups

  • young people (15-20 years old)
  • Youth Workers

Filmfestival "Hollywood Oida!" 

From script to editing in just 5 days: In such a short time, 24 young individuals from AusbildungsFit Vienna and Mödling created their own short films as part of the D.B.Y. project.

Between July 18th and August 2nd, 2023, the youths gathered in Vienna, learning how to create a shooting schedule, tell a story, and translate it into film. Everything from socially critical short films to short comedies was included in the project.

The short films were presented on March 22nd 2024 as part of the Filmfestival "Hollywood oida!" at Filmquartier, Schönbrunner Straße 51, 1050 Vienna!

Project partner: Italy (Coordinator), Belgium, Greece, Irland, Romania, Spain, Austria

Project dauer: December 2022 – October 2024

Project website:

D.B.Y. on Social Media: Facebook | Instagram 

  • Logo Directed by Youth


EU Green Deal pops up in future generation's news feed

ÖJAB coordinated the Erasmus+ funded project U.Pin that started in April 2022. U.Pin aimed at raising young people's awareness of climate change and promotes understanding of how the EU works by translating the content of the EU Green Deal in language and formats that appeal young people. To pick them up and reach them in the reality of their lives, new social media was used for the dissemination.


The aims of the project were the following:

  • empowering young people to understand political content and become informed participants of a public discussion,
  • reaching also deprived youth with information about climate change,
  • translation of the Green Deal in language understandable for youth,
  • producing and the disseminating information in an attractive way for young people,
  • raising media literacy of youth.
Projektteilnehmer:innen bei einem gemeinsamen Event.Projektteilnehmer:innen bei einem gemeinsamen Event.


The project targeted youth in the countries of the partner organisations...

  • ... who are interested in/active on social media,
  • ... who are between 16 and 20 years old,
  • preferred youth with low education level,
  • youth trainers and teachers who want to learn new forms of political education.


Project partners: Austria (Coordinator), Germany, Norway und Italy

Projekct website 

U.Pin on social media: Facebook  | Instagram |  TikTok  | Youtube

Project duration: April 2022 – March 2024

  • Upin Logo
  • Europäisches Jahr der Jugend Logo


Experiential Education Camp for Greater Sustainability in Everyday Life

Through an experiential education camp, 5R4Future provided young people with practical ways and strategies for a sustainable everyday life.

To create a connection between the young generation and the environment, it was important for nature to become "experiential" for them. Therefore, the 5R4Future camp took place in nature. Young people had the opportunity to learn about the 5R concept (refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, rot). Each principle was associated with activities and interactive learning methods. To create a collective safe space, this was complemented by Bruce Perry's principles - relational (safe), relevant (tailored to individual development), repetitive (patterns), rewarding (pleasant), rhythmic (in harmony with natural patterns), and respectful.

OVERVIEW 5R4Future ModuleS
Teenagers stand in a circle on a green meadow, listening to their instructor.Experiencing nature and integrating sustainability into everyday life: that’s what 5R4Future is all about.


  • Giving young people the opportunity to experience nature while encouraging and motivating them to integrate ecological behavior into their daily lives
  • Promoting ecological knowledge as well as personal and social skills
  • Inspiring youth counselors, youth workers, and instructors to apply the 5R methodology and experiential education methods in their work
  • Fostering cross-border interactions among young people


  • Young people aged 13 to 17 who have experienced or are experiencing socio-economic disadvantages
  • Instructors, youth counselors, and youth workers

Project partners: Austria (coordinator), Hungary

Project duration: March 2023 – February 2024

  • 5R4Future Logo


 Ecological Training for VET Staff in Technical Professions

Reduction of CO2 emissions, usage of less natural resources, climate-friendly manufacturing processes – within the sector of technical professions there are a lot of things that can be done in order to make a vast contribution to reduce the impacts of climate change. Nevertheless, there is often a lack of awareness about the concrete elements that every person and employee can change at his/her workspace – even within the groups of teachers/trainers/educators in VET organizations (vocational education and training) across the European Union. However, it is precisely these educators who pass on knowledge and content to the learners in training centres such as BPI of ÖJAB, who later work in technical companies and businesses. This results in a strong need for further training of teachers, trainers and educators within the framework of green practices in technical occupations.

Project Objectives

Project Objectives

ECOTRAIN offered educators the expansion of knowledge about a sustainable and careful handling in technical professions such as glass construction technology, electrical engineering or metal processing. Within ECOTRAIN further education modules were developed, which are used in the adult education companies of the project partners and numerous other educational institutions.

  • Phase 1: Collecting best practice examples from all partner countries
  • Phase 2: Developing learning modules
  • Phase 3: Piloting the further training programme in partner countries

Overall Goal

  • To provide VET trainers in technical occupations with continuing education in the area of environment, resource-saving practices and sustainability in their work environment

Specific Goals

●       To provide further education to at least 60 trainers in technical professional fields

●       To enable exchange of best practice experiences between different adult education institutes in Europe.

Project partners: ÖJAB, Coordinator (Austria), AKMI (Greece), Road Transportation School  „Vasil Drumev“ (Bulgaria)

Project duration: May 2022 – August 2023

  • Erasmus+ Logo
  • Europäisches Jahr der Jugend Logo

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


Green Enterpreneurship Skills for NEET (= Neither in Education, Employment or Training) Persons

The project GENTe aimed to provide alternative ways of learning to a broad range of young adults and helped them develop their knowledge, skills and capabilities in order to be benefited from opportunities for employability and entrepreneurship. The educational activities of GENTe offered the participants the opportunity to explore new forms of employability and motivated them to either join existing small and medium-sized enterprises or, ideally, put their own ideas into practice and start their own small, green, business. Furthermore, all participants involved in the project became more aware in terms of environmental issues and put green entrepreneurship into practice, growing a green mentality of learning and working in the EU. Furthermore, the participants benefitted from the project by improving their digital literacy and creating eco-friendly, green and sustainable businesses.


The main objectives of the project were:

  • Contributing to the EU’s strategies for green entrepreneurship by offering the opportunity to a broad range of people, especially women, to be involved and utilize their potential.
  • Promoting green growth and becoming part of developing a resource-efficient, circular economy where nothing is wasted.
  • Developing innovative educational tools that will facilitate the development of new and innovative digital skills among NEET people in Europe. 

Target groups:

The core participants of the GENTe project were:

  1. NEET individuals, especially women
  2. SMEs (=Small and Medium Enterprises), start-ups, local entrepreneurs etc.
  3. Wider stakeholders in the field of adult learning, such as training centers, as well as municipalities, chambers of commerce, trade union etc., at a local, regional, national and European level who are also taken into consideration as participants in some project activities.

Project partners: Germany (coordinator), Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Romania and Austria

Project website:

GENTe on social media: Facebook  | LinkedIn

GENTe digital platform:

Project duration: February 2022 – February 2024

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The responsibility for the content of this publication lies solely with the author; the Commission is not liable for any further use of the information contained therein.


Fostering Youth Creativity through Application of Online Cinema Simulator

Since December 2021, ÖJAB was involved as project partner in the Erasmus+ funded youth project CINEYouth. The main goal of the project was to foster youth creativity in the field of cinema and video making thus enhancing the development of social skills and competences affected by the isolation during the pandemic times.

Project objectives

CINEYouth aimed to:

  • create training content adapted to low-educated young people on how to improve their communication and personal expression skills using attractive, digital and creative tools such as the fundamentals of the filmmaking.
  • give disadvantaged young people access to specialised cinema education and broaden their opportunities for professional development
  • offer youngsters real chance to practice their talents and self-expression by free interactive digital tools which stimulate pro-activeness and interest in creating short films.


The project target group were disadvantaged young people:

  • low skilled and low-educated
  • socially inactive, in risk of marginalization and lack of youth activity coverage
  • with interest on cinema art but deprived to practice due to social and economic reasons

Project partners: Bulgaria (coordinator), Greece, Slovenia, Cyprus and Austria

Project duration: December 2021 – December 2023

  • Erasmus+ Logo
  • CINEYouth Logo


The main objective of the Give me a 2 chance (G2C) project was to provide second chance support to entrepreneurs whose first business has failed or was not successful and to accompany them in this venture through targeted skills acquisition. 

Aims of the project

The specific objectives of G2C included:

  • Encouraging failed and former entrepreneurs to learn from their experiences by providing them with the right tools.
  • Developing an interactive online self-assessment tool to identify areas for improvement, strengths and weaknesses.
  • Develop innovative digital educational content (online course in the form of e-learning modules)
  • Providing educational resources for teachers, trainers and mentors in vocational education and training to support and guide failed and ex-entrepreneurs.
Projektmitglieder Projektmitglieder beim gemeinsamen Kick-Off in Berlin am 4. Dezember 2021.

Target Audience

G2C had two main target groups:

  • Failed entrepreneurs (who have gone bankrupt and/or are in the process of restructuring their business) and former entrepreneurs (who have not failed but have ceased their activities due to lack of success).
  • Mentors, teachers, trainers, educators working in VET centres/institutes, business associations/chambers of commerce, vocational schools and NGOs providing VET and entrepreneurship education.

Free Training in Italy

From August 20th to 26th, 2023 (arrival on August 19th; departure on August 27th), a free 7-day training took place in Rende, Italy, as part of this Erasmus+ project. The training focused on reviewing a developed handbook for mentors for failed entrepreneurs. Participants from six countries (Austria, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Poland) attended the training, suitable for:

  • Persons who have a residence in Austria
  • People interested in learning new entrepreneurship skills, developing their entrepreneurial skills and meeting like-minded people from other countries
  • People who have experience with the Erasmus+ program or are interested in working with it

All costs were covered by the project: travel expenses, accommodation and meals.

Training program

Project partners: Germany (coordinator), Italy, Portugal, Poland, Spain, Austria

Project duration: November 2021 to November 2023

  • Erasmus+ Logo
  • G2C Logo

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The responsibility for the content of this publication lies solely with the author; the Commission is not liable for any further use of the information contained therein.


Promoting Sustainable Measures to empower Young Women

The EURIBOR project focused on the transfer of know-how and best practices in the areas of work and employment prospects for young people. Specifically, it aimed to reach women aged 24-29 living in precarious situations in rural and semi-urban areas. 


The project aim was to address the individual needs of young women in order to remove barriers to active participation in education or work. A success factor for this were European project partners who work with disadvantaged young people at regional level and who were able to take into account the risk factor "periphery".

  • Transnational and regional cooperation of the project partners with the relevant local actors
  • Proactive outreach work
  • Individual, socio-pedagogical approach to the assessment of skills
  • Psychological, employment and social service counselling in relation to various aspects of life concerning barriers to participation in education and work
  • Employability programmes consisting of on-the-job training, online courses and online entrepreneurship programmes, complemented by mentoring

Through the mix of these measures, EURIBOR improved the employment situation of young women, increased the number of young women experiencing social inclusion and strengthened transnational cooperation on labour market issues.

ÖJAB supported the project as an expertise partner and passed on know-how from its work experience with the target group to European project partners.

Project partners: Poland (coordinator), Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Malta, Slovenia

Expertise partners: Austria, Germany

Project duration: November 2021 to January 2024

  • Logo EEA

The project was funded by the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.


Enterpreneurial Skills for Disabled People

As of March 2023, ÖJAB was coordinator of the Erasmus+ funded project EPISODE. The main goal of the project was to build capacities for teachers and trainers of adults with disabilities, in order to stimulate them as well as to contribute to the inclusion of the disabled population with fewer opportunities in the entrepreneurial sector.

Project objectives

The project aims were:

  • Developing a modular curriculum tailored to the educational needs of teachers and trainers of adults with any physical vulnerability
  • Upskilling teachers and trainers on how to effectively reinforce their competences towards the promotion of self-employment and entrepreneurship of people with disabilities
  • Building capacities for equal working opportunities, tackle prejudice prejudice and discrimination.
Gruppenfoto des Kick-Off-MeetingsDas Kick-Off-Meeting des Projekts fand im April 2023 statt.

Project target groups

The target groups were:

  • Trainers and Teachers of adults with disabilities
  • Adult education institutes
  • Disabled adults who are interested in upskilling themselves for acquiring entrepreneurial skills


As part of this project, a modular curriculum was developed to provide trainers with basic skills and knowledge to effectively support people with disabilities and create an inclusive environment. The modules cover topics such as inclusive teaching and communication, empowerment tools and methods, entrepreneurship and self-employment for people with disabilities, and inclusive feedback tools and methods.


Projectpartner: ÖJAB (coordination), LABoom247 - Dr. Guttke, Kretzschmar & Linge GbR (Germany), Universal Education (Greece)

Project duration: March 2023 - March 2024

Project number: 2022-2-AT01-KA210-ADU-000097665

  • Erasmus+ Logo
  • Logo EPISODE

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 


Fast Forward Skilled Workers 4.0

The project "Fast Forward Skilled Workers 4.0" aimed to contribute to solving the European shortage of skilled workers. To this end, the successful model of the Austrian Young Workers' Movement (ÖJAB) for the (pragmatic) vocational skills assessment and development of migrant women was being prepared for the needs of regional SMEs in multimedia form and discussed and reflected upon in a community of practice with interested European adult educators and education policy-makers.

Project objectives

The objectives of the FAFO project were:

  • Make visible the status quo and the EU-wide differences in the way competences are assessed and developed (in continuation of the Berlin Declaration on the Recognition of Competences of 2019 and the European Guidelines for the Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning of 2016).
  • The status 2023 of the various competence frameworks and "future skills" debates and put them in relation to practised competence assessment procedures.
  • ÖJAB approach in a multimedia and digitally appealing way and thus bring it to the attention of a wider audience .
  • Host an attractive 1-month online happening in autumn 2023 in the Erasmus+ Space on EPALE to bring together interested people and discuss the approaches.
  • Long-term goal: Faster integration of migrants and women with atypical (employment) biographies into the labour market.


Europakarte Symbolbild


The project was aimed at:

  • Adult educators from all EU countries, to whom an alternative, creative good practice model is presented as an expert, in order to jointly search for education policy shortcuts on how to reintegrate people more quickly into the (struggling) labour market.
  • Education policy-makers who are looking for creative, new approaches to meet the needs of the labour market more quickly.

Project partners: FROLLEINFLOW GbR - Institute for Creative Flaneurs - Coordinator (Germany), ÖJAB (Austria)

Project duration: March 2023 - March 2024

Project number: 2022-2-DE02-KA210-ADU-000095210

  • Co-funded by the European Union
  • Logo FAFO-Projekt

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Future skills

Digital Competences for the Job Market

ÖJAB coordinated the Erasmus+ funded project FUTURE SKILLS that started in March 2022.

About The Project

The main aim of the project is to prepare young people from socially disadvantaged communities, from Austria and Hungary adequately for the job market of the future, putting a particular focus on the development of digital literacy and competences. Digital readiness and awareness of requirements will play a key role for young people in the future job market. On the other hand, several social skills such as communication skills, teamwork, commitment and motivation, stress resistance and resilience, etc. are becoming more important on the workplace as well. These two idea threads build the foundation of FUTURE SKILLS, a cross-border pilot project.

Projekt handbook (en, 13 MB)

Project objectives

The objectives of "Future Skills" were:

  • to provide a profound job orientation for youngsters from both partnering countries
  • to provide an overview about content and requirements of IT/coding jobs on the Austrian and Hungarian job market
  • for young people to develop soft skills that are necessary for the job market in general (communication skills, teamwork, commitment and motivation, stress resistance and resilience, etc.) within the scope of a Training Week
  • to enhance cooperation between Austrian and Hungarian youth/educational organizations and IT/coding organizations in order to intensify collaboration in the future

The project targeted young people in the countries of the partner organisations,...

  • ... who are interested in developing IT/coding skills
  • ... who are between 15 and 18 years old
  • with preferably fewer educational opportunities

Project partners: Austria (Coordinator) and Hungary

Project duration: March 2022 – March 2023

  • Erasmus+ Logo
  • Future Skills Logo


Breaching Reservation and Improving Dialogue through Generational Exchange

Since March 2021, ÖJAB was involved in BRIDGE, an Erasmus+ funded project to strengthen intergenerational dialogue in youth work organizations.

Generational Exchange

The Erasmus+ funded project BRIDGE (Breaching Reservation and Improving Dialogue through Generational Exchange) was about promoting intergenerational dialogue in International Youth and Youth Social Work among professionals. In concrete terms, this means promoting mutual positive influence and "learning from each other", identifying the strengths and potentials of young and experienced youth and social work professionals, using these strengths together and finally anchoring the learning outcomes structurally in the organization.

In international youth and youth social work, teams are often characterized by a heterogeneous composition with regard to the age of the professionals, among other things. On the one hand, this diversity is an important enrichment for the work, but on the other hand, it also brings challenges for the cooperationEach generation brings its strengths and experience, which must be utilized, preserved, and dovetailed with one another. At the same time, it is important for many organizations that the knowledge of the baby boom generation, which will soon be retiring, is also available to the following generations. Therefore, a successful intergenerational exchange is an important issue in order to (continue to) work successfully.

First Training Course of BRIDGE Project

Building Bridges between Junior & Senior Workers and Identifying Potentials & Tools

The first Training Course of our BRIDGE project was held at the beginning of November 2021 in Bologna, Italy. To ensure balanced participation, nine tandems of Junior and Senior youth workers from partner organizations took part in this workshop composed of plenary sessions and group work. Participants spent almost three days together brainstorming, discussing and exchanging ideas on the strengths of Junior and Senior workers and how they can learn from each other. A particular focus was to identify key soft skills and discuss whether they are more common among Junior or Senior workers or both. This discussion led to the creation of knowledge maps by small groups around specific competence/skills to visualize the process of transferring them from Senior workers to Junior workers and vice versa.

This workshop witnessed fruitful suggestions for creating a common data-gathering tool to raise awareness on intergenerational dialogue. Through this tool, each partner organization will collect additional information to get a broader European perspective on the topic and reach more Junior and Senior workers.

Last but not least, participants had a great time getting to know “the learned, the fat and the red” city, Bologna. We thank GioNet for organizing and leading this workshop!

group picture of the training course

second Training course in Örebro, Sweden

In April 2022, the second training course within the project BRIDGE took place. Senior and junior youth workers from six partner organisations in Austria, Germany, Italy, France, and Sweden gathered in Örebro, Sweden, to exchange and discuss various methods of knowledge transfer and management necessary for a smooth integration into a new workplace.

Thanks to the carefully planned activities of the training, the participants had the opportunity to analyse provided methods and identify the most efficient ones based on their own experiences, while taking into account the specific needs of both groups involved.

The constructive recommendations on how and when to use certain methods, and also on how to improve them, lay a very solid ground for drafting a handbook of methods which will be available for a broader community after the project has been finalised.

Besides the formal contents of the training course, team-building activities took place. Thanks to ACTIVA, the partner organisation from Sweden, and their great organisation of the training, the participants got to know the city of Örebro more profoundly, while giving them an insight into the local community’s social work.

Framework concept Annex (750 KB)Framework concept (660 KB)Project Handbook (1 MB)recommendations (715 KB)
Group photo of participantsNetworking and discussing various methods of knowledge transfer during the second training course.

Project partners: Germany (coordinator), France, Sweden, Italy, Austria

Project duration: March 2021 to August 2023 (30 months)

Project website:

  • Projektlogo: BRIDGE

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

  • Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union


Photovoice - Participation & Empowerment in Youth Work

ÖJAB was involved as a project partner in the Erasmus + funded youth project VOICE since May 2021. VOICE focused on using Photovoice's innovative and creative approach to empower youth workers, future youth workers and young people across Europe.


The VOICE project focuses on using the innovative and creative approach of Photovoice to empower youth workers, future youth workers and young people around Europe. It built on our successful implemented project YourEP and its follow up Europe3E, which we wanted to adapt to the international youth work context. Photovoice (and abbreviation of “Photos Voicing Our Individual and Collective Experience”) is an innovative creativity-boosting method used to share personal stories supported by photos. It aimed to enable people to record and reflect their community's strengths and concerns, promote critical dialogue and knowledge about important issues through large and small group discussion of photographs, and to reach policy makers.

Tutorial Video about the project
Online-Meeting der Projektgruppe von VOICE.Photovoice-Arbeit von Teilnehmer:innen im Rahmen des Projekts in Wien.


By bringing together future and current youth workers, young people and creative organisations (eg. photographers and graphic designers), the VOICE project aimed at promoting the method of Photovoice in youth work, to make it more recognized as a creative tool that future and current youth workers can use to promote social inclusion, engagement and active citizenship of young people.


VOICE had a positive and long-lasting impact, by equipping social and youth work students, as well as youth workers with new creative methods to work with young people. The expected direct impacts of the Intellectual Outputs described above were an increase of the quality of youth work using innovative and creative approaches, and the training of future youth workers to get familiar with Erasmus+ and international youth work. Additional positive outcomes were to foster a creative dialogue with young people, enable them to voice their ideas and develop entrepreneurship and creative skills.

Project partners: Germany (coordinator), Netherlands, Bulgaria, Italy, Austria

Project duration: May 2021 to April 2023 (24 months)

VOICE Results Flyer
  • Logo Erasmus+
  • Logo VOICE

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Green Environmental Climate Care Orientation

Awareness of environmental issues such as environmental justice and the consequences of ongoing climate change are of utmost importance for young people aged 13-15. Nevertheless, many young people lack an understanding of how they can, on the one hand, use the environment in an ecologically sustainable way in their free time (e.g. when playing sports) and, on the other hand, contribute to reducing their ecological footprint and do something about climate change.

Finding solutions to climate change requires a joint effort of several countries across Europe. The project should therefore promote the idea of intercultural cooperation to combat climate change through the engagement of young people.

The project was divided into the following contents:

  • Development of a programme/curriculum for a Green Camp for young people
  • Running a 1-week Green Camp for 20 young people
  • Development of a mini-manual based on the camp experience
  • Dissemination of the project and the manual in both partner countries

Overall objective

  • Encouraging young people to shape their local natural environment and combat climate change through a joint, cross-border effort.

Specific objectives

  • Development of self and group effectiveness in adolescents aged 13-15 years
  • Acquiring the knowledge and skills young people need to protect and care for their local environment
  • Understanding the natural life cycle through science lessons and experiments
  • Promoting language learning and exchanges between young people
Project handbook (en, 2 MB)

Project partners: Austria (coordinator), Netherlands

Project duration: March 2022 to February 2023

  • Erasmus+ Logo
  • Europäisches Jahr der JUgend Logo
  • GECCO Logo

Mental health

Mental Health of Youth in the Post-Corona-Time

This project aimed to establish and further develop a network of (social) youth work organizations addressing mental health issues of young people, as well as youth and social workers. 

The project focused on creating a framework for collecting more information on the following aspects directly related to the issue of physical and mental well-being in youth work:

  • The impact and consequences of psychological stress for young people (in Europe).
  • Gathering information on the psychological impact of the Corona pandemic on young people, with a particular focus on socially disadvantaged young people and youth and social care workers.
  • What practical solutions already exist in youth work?
  • What opportunities are there to work preventively in youth work to promote resilience and capacity building?
  • What youth work methods can be used?
  • What other requirements are there in relation to the situation of young people, youth workers and youth work organizations?
Symbolbild Mental Health


The results of the work processes and evaluations carried out, were designed as concrete recommendations on how youth work can respond to the challenges caused by the mental health of young people, especially in the post-Corona-period. 

In addition, the focus was also on the organizational level, providing recommendations to youth organizations on how to support their staff in the challenges they face in their daily work, thus developing the quality of youth work. 

It aimed to build a knowledge base about child and adolescent mental health on the one hand, and existing or missing support systems among professionals and their organizations on the other. The institutionalization of support for youth work professionals was another desirable goal of this project.

The target groups of the project were:

  • professional youth workers
  • youth organizations
  • (indirectly) young people from socially disadvantaged backgrounds who use the services offered by the project partners.


One focus of the project was to organize and conduct local and international workshops that will lead participating partner organizations and participating youth workers to a deeper understanding of youth mental health. It also involved local and international exchange on approaches and methods that can be applied in youth work practice to better support young people and also to strengthen youth work itself.

Project partners: Austria, Germany (project leader), Italy, Netherlands and Greece

Project duration: May 2022 to July 2023

  • Logo Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
  • Mental Health Logo


Transnational Knowledge Exchange between Trainers of low-skilled Adults in multiple European Countries

The objective of EUpTrain is to create a transnational network between Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal, Greece and Romania in order to share Europe-wide knowledge between organisations specialised in adult education through exchange of experts and the development of a sustainable handbook comprising transnational good practices and methods for trainers working with low-skilled adults. The target group of this project are trainers of low-skilled adults, with at least 2 years of working experience.

EUpTrain activities include:

  • 3 transnational project meetings attended by a total of 16 experts
  • one knowledge exchange workshop with the main goal to filter out examples of good practices from all participating organisations and to show international differences, new opportunities, new ways of work and different methodologies in training of low-skilled adults
  • based on the workshop results: creation of a handbook containing 16 best practices and 8 methodologies
EUpTrain-Attendees at a Online-Conference.EUpTrain-Attendees at a Online-Conference.

Project exchange in Portugal

From 8 to 12 November 2021, 26 adult education trainers from a total of 7 countries came together in Amadora, Portugal for a knowledge exchange. Working with low-skilled adults poses challenges for all of them in their daily work. The workshop offered space and the opportunity to exchange and learn from each other about helpful ways of working, methods and didactics. A visit to AFID, an organisation that works with adults with special needs, also opened up new perspectives.

Group pictureEducation trainers from 7 countries came together in Portugal in order to network and exchange know-how


Project partners: Austria (coordinator), Hungary, Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal, Greece and Romania

Project duration: October 2020 to March 2022

  • Logo EUpTrain
  • Logo Erarmus+ Programme of the European Union

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Career cOnsulting and Mentoring skills caPAcity building for youth workerS working with NEETS

ÖJAB was a partner in the Erasmus+ project COMPASS from November 2019 to October 2021.

This project aimed to improve youth work’s impact on the education of NEETs while also placing a focus on NEETs’ labor market integration.

The immediate outcome of this project was a training program focused specifically on developing youth workers’ soft skills. The intent was to integrate specific knowledge and skills that are necessary for the successful career advising and mentoring of NEETs.

  • Logo COMPASS
project membersKick off meeting in Sofia (Bulgaria). Photo: CATRO.

Project partners: Bulgaria (coordinator), France, Greece, Spain, Romania, Austria

Project website:

Project duration: November 2019 to October 2021

  • Logo Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Europe through young eyes

Exchange, Explore, Exhibit

ÖJAB was a partner in the Erasmus+ project Europe through Young Eyes from November 2019 to Juli 2021.

This project aimed to cultivate meaningful active citizenship, raise political awareness, and deepen social inclusion among youth.

This project’s objectives were achieved via the following measures:

  • connecting young people’s lives with Europe on the personal level
  • using the photovoice method (participative photography) to give rise to creative and integrative interaction with “Europe” as a theme
  • using a simulation to render Europe more tangible
  • participants’ research and exploration on Europe’s influence at the local and transnational levels
  • participants’ development of recommendations for EU policy
  • development and publication of strategies for disadvantaged young people

As part of this project, disadvantaged young people were provided with an opportunity to get to know Europe and its institutions better. 

Europe: Project Online exhibition How To PhotovoiceHow to involve all youth in the european Projectfinal Recommendations


Projektpartner: Deutschland (Koordinator), Griechenland, Frankreich, Niederlande, Großbritannien, Österreich

Projektdauer: November 2019 bis Juli 2021


  • Logo Europe through young eyes
  • Logo Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
 Kickoff meeting in Germany. Photo: Stiftung Evangelische Jugendhilfe St. Johannis Bernburg. Kickoff meeting in Germany. Photo: Stiftung Evangelische Jugendhilfe St. Johannis Bernburg.


A Mobility Project of the Economics and Business School Ekonomska šola Ljubljana & Europass Mobility – an important EU Certificate –

Each year from 2017 to 2019 10 enthusiastic school students from various classes at the secondary and grammar school Ekonomska šola Ljubljana (School of Economics Ljubljana) completed three-week internships at various ÖJAB institutions and subsidiary enterprises, including at the residence and nursing home ÖJAB-Haus Neumargareten, the occupational training institute BPI der ÖJAB – Ausbildungszentrum Wien, the ÖJAB Head Office, the education, conference, and event center Europahaus Wien, and the myNext hostels, hotels, and apartments.

The objective of this mobility project, which is conducted as part of the Erasmus+ program, was to link students’ theoretical knowledge relating to office and administrative work with practical experience through their activities at ÖJAB institutions while also helping to cultivate the students’ social skills via their experience of a new working environment.

ÖJAB, as the hosting partner organization, organized and coordinated the Slovenian group’s stay in Vienna. This included arranging their accommodations, sustenance, internship positions, and cultural activities. ÖJAB also monitored and evaluated the students’ internships along with preparing their Europass and ÖJAB certificates.

The school students were accommodated at the dormitory ÖJAB Europahaus Dr. Bruno Buchwieser and provided with meals by the adjacent education, conference, and event center Europahaus Wien. Their educational program in Vienna was complemented by cultural activities including city walks and tours of various sites accompanied by ÖJAB volunteers. And on the program’s final day, all participants received the important EU certificate “Europass Mobility”, which documented not only their stay abroad but also the skills acquired during this stay.

In 2017 and 2018, Ekonomska šola Ljubljana produced a short video that presents some impressions of this project.

Project partner: Ekonomska šola Ljubljana, Slovenia (coordinator); ÖJAB, Austria (project partner)

Project duration: 3 weeks

This mobility project was supported by EU funds as part of the Erasmus+ program; increasing student mobility is one of the objectives of Erasmus+.

  • Logo Erasmus+ Programm
Group photo of the participants from 2019 in front of the Europahaus Dr. Bruno Buchwieser. Foto: Eva Zule/Ekonomska šola Ljubljana.Group photo of the participants from 2019 in front of the Europahaus Dr. Bruno Buchwieser. Foto: Eva Zule/Ekonomska šola Ljubljana.


Drop Out Prevention Skills

ÖJAB was a partner in the Erasmus+ project DROPS from September 2019 to September 2020.

The objective of this project was the exchange of experience between youth education organizations on dropout prevention-related themes. The longer-term goal here was to improve the social skills of teachers and trainers who work with groups of at-risk youths (NEETs = Not in Education, Employment, or Training).

Apart from that, the project focused on preparing educators not only to teach vocational subjects but also to function as educational and social advisors. They are to be equipped with the skills necessary to motivate students to take part in class and complete their training, with the ultimate goal being to lower the dropout rate over the long term.

In order to achieve the best possible results in this respect, various types of educational institutions were included in this project.

Project partners: Czech Republic (coordinator), Slovakia, Sweden, Austria

Project duration: September 2019 to September 2020

  • Logo Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
Final recommendation (Englisch, PDF 200 KB)
project membersProject meeting in Vienna

YOUTH workers 2.0

Advising and Schooling of Youth Workers all over Europe in the Use of ICT Tools (Information, Communication, and Technology Tools = PCs, Laptops, Software Programs, Printers, etc.) and Digital Working Methods.

From November 2018 to June 2020, ÖJAB was part of the Erasmus+ KA2 project “Youth Workers 2.0”. This project aimed to expand upon youth workers’ digital skills in order to improve the fundamental training of those who work with young people.

Two surveys were conducted as initial steps toward achieving this project’s objectives. One of the surveys addressed the direct target audience of youth workers, while the other addressed the indirect target audience of young people with low qualifications.

The findings from these surveys were used to compile a report that analyses existing needs. This report serves as background information upon which further employment-related studies for youth can be based.

The information thus collected is used to compile guidelines containing proven procedures with which to support youth workers’ daily efforts. These guidelines serve to inspire all of their readers and support them in their future work.

  • Logo Youth Workes 2.0

Project duration: November 2018 to June 2020

Project partners: Spain (Coordinator), Austria, Romania, Hungary

Project website:

  • Logo Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
Mitglieder des Projekts beim Kick Off-Meeting am BPI der ÖJAB in Wien.Kick off meeting at the BPI of ÖJAB in Vienna.


From January 2018 to June 2020, ÖJAB was a partner in the project “ALMIT” (Acceleration of Labor Market Integration of Immigrants Through Mapping of Skills and Trainings). This consortium included a further eight partners from Bulgaria, Serbia, and Turkey.

The core idea of this project was to develop an innovative model for ascertaining the skills of migrants and refugees, thus making it possible to support this target group’s swift integration into the labor market.

The ultimate objective was to ensure both high-quality and sustainable employment as well as fair social protections, to combat social exclusion and poverty among migrants and refugees, and to improve the conditions under which members of this target group work.

This project was divided into a total of seven work packages. In these, activities including the following werecarried out by the project partners:

  • Development of an online language course including its curriculum and learning modules
  • Compilation of civil society-related and intercultural course materials
  • Pilot runs of the developed courses including their course materials
  • Compilation of a “train-the-trainer” handbook
  • Creation of an E-learning platform
  • Guidelines for labor market policy regulations
  • SWOT analysis relating to this project’s theme in the partner countries
  • Matching with companies
  • Publication including final conference in Vienna

All phases of this project involved close collaboration between ÖJAB and the other project partners. And for one of the work packages, ÖJAB was the responsible contact for the other partner countries. This work package had to do with compiling information on local labor market rules and trends as well as on rules pertaining to social assistance, cataloging of the target groups’ educational backgrounds and work experience plus compiling profiles that detail refugees’ skills, and ascertainment of current labor market demand.

Das ALMIT Kick-off-Meeting fand von 11.02.-14.02.2018 in Sofia, Bulgarien statt. Während des Meetings gab es nicht nur ein erstes Kennenlernen, es wurden auch die ersten Schritte geplant und die Verantwortlichkeiten abgesprochen.The ALMIT kick-off meeting took place from 11.02.-14.02.2018 in Sofia, Bulgaria. During the meeting there was not only a first meeting, the first steps were planned and the responsibilities were discussed.
  • Logo Almit

Project partners: Bulgaria (coordinator), Serbia, Turkey, Austria

Project duration: January 2018 to June 2020

Project website:

  • Logo European Programme for Employment and Social Innovation


Innovative Approaches and Methods for Home Caregiver 

IAMHC aimed at improving the collaboration between similar organizations in Europe as well as exchanging proven procedures relevant to (home) caregiving and caregiving personnel.

Nursing and health services on the European level

From December 2018 to November 2020, ÖJAB was a partner of the Erasmus+ project “Innovative Approaches and Methods for Home Caregiver”. This was ÖJAB’s first European project devoted entirely to the topic of nursing and health services.

This project aimed to improve collaboration with similar organizations all over Europe and to exchange proven practices with regard to home caregiving. This was accomplished by building an international network that made it possible to quickly exchange information and adapt to new trends.

Specific objective

Supporting the quality of care and the security of individuals who live in long-term care facilities, doing so in a manner and in an environment that upholds or enhances the dignity and respect accorded to every single resident while fully acknowledging his or her individuality.



  • Transnational meetings for the exchange of proven practices relating to home caregivers and home care.
  • 5-day “Best Practice” training session
  • Organization and conduct of local focus groups sessions and debates
  • Compilation of a catalog containing the best home care methods, experiences, and concepts.
  • Activities to disseminate these proven practices.
  • Members of the project at the kickoff meeting in Mesagne, Italy
  • Kickoff meeting in Mesagne, Italy
Members of the project at the kick off meeting in Mesagne, ItalyMembers of the project at the kick off meeting in Mesagne, Italy


  • Participation in the training event in Mesagne as part of the Innovative Approaches and Methods for Home Care Giver project provided me with an opportunity to engage in exchange with other participants on organizational and structural experiences in the context of home caregiving, a field of work that has seen successful development in Vienna by ÖJAB over a period of many years. From every country, at least one “best practice” was introduced and discussed in such a way that it was possible to obtain high-quality insights into the respective countries’ systems. During this training event, I was able to focus on both everyday and long-term plans and challenges in the field of home caregiving in other countries such as Spain, Finland, France, North Macedonia, and Italy, thanks to which I came away with new ideas and knowledge that can be put to work in ÖJAB’s home caregiving efforts.
    Nenad Kostic (department head at ÖJAB-Haus Neumargareten)
TeilnehmerInnen am Training in Mesagne. Foto: IAMHC.Participants in the training event in Mesagne. Photo: IAMHC
  • Logo IAHC Innovative Approaches for Home Caregiver

Project partners: Italy, France, North Macedonia, Spain, Finland

Project duration: December 2018 – November 2020

  • Logo Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.


Supporting Youth Workers in the Fight against Online Hate Speech.

From October 2018 to January 2020, ÖJAB participated in the project “Counter Hate” as part of a consortium together with three organizations from Latvia, Spain, and Bulgaria.

The objective of this project was to equip youth workers with the skills and knowledge that are needed in order to develop tools and arguments with which to counter online hate speech.

Specifically, “Counter Hate” concentrated on supporting high-quality efforts to provide all youth workers with the abovementioned knowledge and tools as they pertain to online hate speech against migrants and refugees. These prevention skills were expanded upon in the form of custom-tailored responses, counter-narratives, and awareness-raising campaigns.

The project partners’ ranges of activities included the following components:

  • Project survey and publication of a project survey report
  • Development of an E-learning course
  • Compilation of digital guidelines
  • Local workshops
Members of the project at the kick off meeting in MalagaKick off meeting in Malaga.
  • “Counter Hate” is an Erasmus+ project that seeks to offer the young generation the knowledge and tools needed to put an end to hate speech in Europe. We had the privilege of representing Austria in a Europe-wide context at a one-week intensive training course in Latvia. There, we worked together with other international participants to develop and propose solutions with which to combat various aspects of the hate and xenophobia that have grown increasingly widespread in our society, both on the Internet as well as in daily life. This project took place amidst the Nordic forests on the eastern shore of the Gulf of Riga, not far from the Latvian capital. A particularly special feature of this event was the enriching cultural exchange with the representatives of the participating countries of Bulgaria, Latvia, and Spain..
    Danke! Thank you! Gracias! Paldies! Благодаря!
    Barbara Preinfalk, Daniela Demean, Romy Dueller, Anxhela Golemi, project members
Group picture of participantsErasmus+ training for youth workers in Saulkrasti (Latvia). Photo: Counter Hate.
  • Counter Hate Logo

Project partners: Latvia (Coordinator), Spain, Austria, Bulgaria

Project duration: October 2018 bis January 2020

Project website:

  • Erasmus + Logo

Volunteers 4 All

This Project helps Volunteers in NGOs to develop Social Skills.

Volunteers 4 All was a 20-month European project, co-funded by the European Commission's Erasmus + (KA2) program, which aimed to help youth workers and NGO volunteers develop new social and digital literacy skills in their day-to-day work need to address the refugee crisis in Europe. This project, in collaboration with four project partners, focused on promoting quality youth work in the social and digital sectors. 

In the project, an e-learning training was developed to familiarize volunteers with the possibilities of digital media, to get involved, to tell a story, to understand events, to create awareness and to bring about change. 

In addition, a digital guide was compiled, in the form of a series of learning materials as open educational resources.

  • Logo Volunteers4All
Representatives of participating partner organizations at kick-off meeting in Razlog, Bulgaria (October 23-25, 2017) (Photo Credit: Alternativi International).Representatives of participating partner organizations at kick-off meeting in Razlog, Bulgaria (October 23-25, 2017) (Photo Credit: Alternativi International).

Project partners: Alternativi International, Bulgaria (Coordinator), PROJUVEN, Spain, Futuro Digitale, Italy, ÖJAB 

Project duration: October 2017 to May 2019

  • Logo Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union


The Erasmus + KA2 Project aimed to Support further Development and Strengthening of Volunteerism.

Training for volunteers was improved and, thus, the work efficiency of the organizations increased. The project aimed to eliminate or minimize the following problem areas: 

  • Decreasing motivation over time due to changing responsibilities and responsibilities
  • Lack of self-assessment in mental stress, revision, etc.
  • Inadequate conflict strategies in conflicts with the people being supported, with other volunteers or with supervisors.

INVOLVE aimed to create awareness of the value and benefits of soft skill training for volunteers as well as to deepen the methodological knowledge of these training efforts. In addition, the subject-specific knowledge of volunteers was strengthened according to the needs of the individual partner organizations.

Participants in the kick-off meeting of the project "Involve" in Athens.Participants in the kick-off meeting of the project "Involve" in Athens.

The project objective was achieved by the following measures: 

  • Identification of at least 2 national best practice examples by each partner organization and preparation of a summary and presentation of the best practice examples
  • Organization of an internet-based platform for knowledge exchange between the project partners
  • 2 international training workshops

The project was managed by the German NGO "Association for Inclusion and Social Work e.V.". 40 participants from 10 partner countries (Germany, Austria, Spain, Bulgaria, Poland, France, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Slovenia) will participate in the project.

  • Logo Involve

Project partners: Germany (Coordinator), Austria, Spain, Bulgaria, Poland, France, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Slovenia 

Project duration: November 2017 to April 2019

  • Logo Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Like Home

Promoting the Inclusion of newly arrived Migrants and their Integration into the Labor Market and the Host Society.

From December 2016 to November 2018, ÖJAB and 8 organizations from different EU countries participated in the „LikeHome" project. The overall aim of the LikeHome project was to foster the inclusion of newly arrived migrants and refugees to the host country education and training system, to the local economy and to the society in general.

As part of the project, the project partners implemented following activities:

  • Development and implementation of a framework of best practice models for the assessment and recognition of already acquired skills, qualifications and competences of migrants and refugees, based on models defined by the European Commission as best-practice models
  • Development of training materials for trainers, educators, and government officials responsible for reception of migrants and recognition of qualifications
  • Creation of the LikeHome e- assessment tool
  • Organization of Train the Trainer seminars
  • Piloting
  • Logo Like Home
The LikeHome kick-off meeting took place on 14th  and 15th of December 2016 in Alicante, Spain. During the meeting, in addition to getting to know each other, the first steps were planned and responsibilities were clarified.The LikeHome kick-off meeting took place on 14th and 15th of December 2016 in Alicante, Spain. During the meeting, in addition to getting to know each other, the first steps were planned and responsibilities were clarified.

Project partners: Spain (coordinator), Austria, Greece, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Italy

Project duration: December 2016 - November 2018

  • Logo Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme under grant agreement No 2016 - 2791 / 001 – 001. It has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Radical Online Education

The Project addressed the Issue of Radicalization and Recruitment of Youth for Combat in War Zones. This Recruitment often happens through the Internet and through Social Media.

Radical Online Educationist was a 20-month European project, co-funded by the European Commission's Erasmus + (KA2) program. The project addressed the issue of radicalization and recruitment of youth for combat in war zones. This recruitment often happens through the internet and through social media. 

That's why "Radical Online Education" wanted to be pro-active against Internet radicalization and find an appropriate response to this threat. The project as aimed at trainers and social workers who want to improve their digital skills, learn effective online engagement and be trained in the targeted use of information and communication technologies. 

As part of this innovative project, an e-learning training program was developed so that trainers and social workers can use social networks to detect signs of digital radicalization early and to stimulate critical thinking. Furthermore, a digital best practice guide was compiled, which should include expertise in the field of radicalization prevention, all information and ideas exchanged by the participating organizations and advice for establishing critical thinking.

  • Logo Radiacal Education
Project partner at the kick-off meeting in Copenhagen (October 29 - 31, 2017) (Photo Credit: Danish Youth Team).Project partner at the kick-off meeting in Copenhagen (October 29 - 31, 2017) (Photo Credit: Danish Youth Team).

Project partners: Danish Youth Team, Denmark (Coordinator), PROJUVEN, Spain, Alternativi International, Bulgaria, ÖJAB 

Project duration: October 2017 to March 2019 

  • Logo Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Mobilna Prešernova

Ein Mobilitätsprojekt der Wirtschaftsschule aus Ljubljana. Europass  Mobilität - ein wichtiges EU Zertifikat.

Von Juni bis Juli 2018 absolvierten 10 engagierte Schüler:innen unterschiedlicher Klassen der Wirtschaftsschule „Ekonomska šola“ aus Ljubljana ein dreiwöchiges Praktikum in verschiedenen ÖJAB Institutionen, darunter das Europahaus Kongresszentrum, das ÖJAB Dr. Bruno Buchwieser Haus, das ÖJAB Haus NeuMargareten, das BPI der ÖJAB, die ÖJAB Zentrale und die myNext Sommer Hostels in Wien.

Das Ziel des Mobilitätsprojektes welches im Rahmen des Erasmus+ Programmes durchgeführt wurde, war es das theoretische Wissen der Student:innen aus dem Bereich Büro/Administration mit praktischen Erfahrungen durch die Tätigkeit in den ÖJAB-Institutionen zu verbinden und die sozialen Fertigkeiten der Student:innen durch die Arbeit in einem neuen Arbeitsumfeld zu stärken.

Die ÖJAB übernahm als Aufnahmepartnerorganisation, die Organisation und Koordination des Aufenthalts der slowenischen Gruppe in Wien. Dies umfasste die Organisation der Unterbringung, der Verpflegung, der Praktikumsplätze und der kulturellen Aktivitäten. Außerdem war die ÖJAB für das Monitoring, die Evaluierung des Praktikums und die Erstellung der Europass und ÖJAB Zertifikate verantwortlich.

Die Student:innen wurden im ÖJAB Studentenwohnheim Dr. Bruno Buchwieser untergebracht und erhielten ihre Verpflegung aus dem gegenüberliegenden Rosen Hotel. Das Projekt wurde zusätzlich durch kulturelle Aktivitäten wie Stadtrundgängen und Besichtigungen verschiedener Sehenswürdigkeiten ergänzt. Am letztem Tag ihres Aufenthaltes erhielten alle Teilnehmer:innen das Zertifikat „Europass Mobilität“ verliehen – ein wichtiges EU Zertifikat – mit welchem nicht nur der Auslandsaufenthalt, sondern auch die dort erworbenen Kompetenzen bescheinigt werden.

Die Wirtschaftsschule aus Slowenien (Ekonomska Sola Ljubljana) hat ein kurzes Video  mit einigen Eindrücken zu diesem Projekt erstellt welches hier ab Herbst aufrufbar ist.


Projektpartner: Ekonomska šola Ljubljana, Slowenien (Koordinator), ÖJAB, Österreich (Projektpartner)
Projektdauer: 24. Juni bis 14. Juli 2018

Dieses Mobilitätsprojekt wurde von der EU gefördert und zwar im Rahmen des Programms Erasmus+. Ziel dieses Programms ist es u.a. die Mobilität der Schüler:innen zu erhöhen.

  • Logo Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.


Programmiergrundlagen und -fähigkeiten ausbauen

Das Projekt INFO-PRO zielte darauf ab, die Chancen junger Menschen für den Eintritt in den digitalen Arbeitsmarkt zu erhöhen. Erreicht wurde dies durch außerschulische Veranstaltungen, die sich mit dem Erwerb digitaler Kompetenzen und grundlegender digitaler Fertigkeiten befassen. Die Jugendlichen bekamen die Möglichkeit, ihre grundlegenden Programmierfähigkeiten auszubauen und kleine Spiele zu entwickeln. Auf diese Weise erhielten sie wertvolle Einblicke in die allgemeine Programmierung und die Welt der Spieleentwicklung. Neben der Programmiergrundlagen wurden auch allgemeinere Themen behandelt, wie z.B. das Erstellen von Bewerbungen, das Anlegen eines E-Mail-Kontos oder die Bearbeitung digitaler Aufgaben.


  • Erleichterung des Zugangs zum Arbeitsmarkt für junge Menschen aus marginalisierten/benachteiligten Gruppen.
  • Vermittlung von grundlegenden Programmierkenntnissen und digitalen Kompetenzen.
  • Schulung von u.a. Lehrkräften, Ausbilder:innen, Jugendarbeiter:innen aus allen drei Partnerländern (Österreich, Ungarn, Slowakei) in der Vermittlung von Programmier-/Codierkenntnissen.


  • Angebot eines informellen außerschulischen Bildungsprogramms für 60 Jugendliche auf sozialer und persönlicher Ebene.
  • Vermittlung grundlegender Kenntnisse im Programmieren/Coding zur Anwendung in zukünftigen Berufen.
  • Bewusst machen der gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen: soziale Inklusion marginalisierter Gemeinschaften und Mangel an IT-Kenntnissen.


  • Junge Menschen zwischen 13 und 18 Jahren.
  • Ausbilder:innen, Jugendbetreuer:innen und Sozialarbeiter:innen, die in Bildungseinrichtungen tätig sind.

Projektkoordinator: ÖJAB (Österreich)

Projektpartner: Ternipe (Slowakei), NoBadKid - Pressley Ridge (Ungarn), 2K2  (Ungarn)

Projektdauer: März 2023 – Dezember 2024

Projektnummer: 2022-2-AT01-KA220-YOU-000094981 

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  • Logo Europäische Union

Von der Europäischen Union finanziert. Die geäußerten Ansichten und Meinungen entsprechen jedoch ausschließlich denen des Autors bzw. der Autoren und spiegeln nicht zwingend die der Europäischen Union oder der OeAD-GmbH wider. Weder die Europäische Union noch die OeAD-GmbH können dafür verantwortlich gemacht werden.


Digitale Transformation und Gamification in der Schulbildung

Gameducate zielte darauf ab, die digitale Transformation und Gamification in die formale Schulbildung der Primar- und Sekundarstufe einzubinden. Es wurden die Bedürfnisse und Herausforderungen von Lehrenden ermittelt, um darauf aufbauend ein Gamification-Curriculum zu entwickeln. Das leicht anpassbare Curriculum wurde durch ein digitales Toolkit sowie durch ein Training für Lehrkräfte zur Integration im Unterricht ergänzt.


  • Ermittlung des aktuellen Bedarfs und filtern von Qualifikationslücken in Bezug auf innovative Lehrmethoden und digitale Technologien im Bildungswesen in den Partnerländern. Darauf aufbauend werden innovative pädagogische Ansätze entwickelt.
  • Kompetenzerweiterung von Lehrerkräften, Schulleiter:innen und weiteren pädagogischen Fachkräften.
  • Bereitstellung eines leicht anpassbaren Curriculums, eines umfassenden digitalen Toolkits und einem Training, das Lehrkräften ermöglichen soll digitale Technologien in ihren Unterricht zu integrieren.
  • Übertragbarkeit der Ergebnisse von GAMEDUCATE auf verschiedene Bildungsebenen (z.B. Erwachsenenbildung).


  • Lehrkräfte, Lehramtsstudent:innen
  • Verantwortliche in der Schulbildung und Bildungspolitik

Projektkoordinator: CBE SUD (Frankreich)

Projektpartner: ÖJAB (Österreich), CSICY  (Zypern), Akata Makata (Griechenland), Universtiy of Macedonia (Griechenland), Ceipes  (Italien), DRPDNM (Slowenien), Geinnova (Spanien), Osengo Europe (Frankreich)

Projektdauer: Dezember 2022 – Oktober 2024

Projektnummer: 2022-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000089700


Gameducate auf Social Media: Facebook | Instagram 

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  • Logo EU und Erasmus+

Von der Europäischen Union finanziert. Die geäußerten Ansichten und Meinungen entsprechen jedoch ausschließlich denen des Autors bzw. der Autoren und spiegeln nicht zwingend die der Europäischen Union oder der Europäischen Exekutivagentur für Bildung und Kultur (EACEA) wider. Weder die Europäische Union noch die EACEA können dafür verantwortlich gemacht werden.


Förderung des Unternehmergeists junger Menschen 

NGOE (Next Generation of Enterpreneurship) zielte darauf ab, den Unternehmergeist junger Menschen zu fördern.  

Von März 2022 bis Oktober 2024 war die ÖJAB im Erasmus+ finanzierten Jugendprojekt NGOE als Projektpartner beteiligt. 


  • Förderung unternehmerischer Initiativen bei jungen Menschen durch die Entwicklung ihrer unternehmerischen Fähigkeiten mit Hilfe einer innovativen nicht-formalen pädagogischen Methodik.
  • Entwicklung unternehmerischer Fähigkeiten unter Einsatz neuer ICT Tools: Entwicklung neuer Lernmethoden und Integration digitaler Technologien in das Lernen und Lehren.
  • Entwicklung erforderlicher Instrumente auf der Grundlage eines auf den Menschen ausgerichteten Designansatzes, der die Bedürfnisse, Wünsche, Einschränkungen und das Umfeld des Einzelnen berücksichtigt.


  • Jugendbetreuer:innen und alle Fachkräfte, die mit jungen Menschen in einem nicht formalen Umfeld arbeiten.
  • Junge Menschen im Alter von 15-19 Jahren, die eine weiterführende Schule besuchen.

Projektkoordinator: Raama Noorte Uhing Noorus MTU (Estland)

Projektpartner:  ÖJAB (Österreich), Asociación Projuven (Spanien), Ruana (Italien), Asocitaia Se Poate (Rumänien)

Projektdauer: März 2022  – Oktober 2024

Projektnummer: 2021-2-EE01_KA220_YOU_00051095


NGOe auf Social Media: Facebook | Instagram

  • Logo NGOE
  • EU-Flagge und Info zu Erasmus+

Von der Europäischen Union finanziert. Die geäußerten Ansichten und Meinungen entsprechen jedoch ausschließlich denen des Autors bzw. der Autoren und spiegeln nicht zwingend die der Europäischen Union oder der Europäischen Exekutivagentur für Bildung und Kultur (EACEA) wider. Weder die Europäische Union noch die EACEA können dafür verantwortlich gemacht werden.


Kreativmethoden für Jugendarbeiter:innen

Youth-Rec zielte darauf ab, dem sinkendem Engagement, der zurückgehenden politischen Partizipation und dem mangelndem Vertrauen in demokratische Strukturen bei Jugendlichen entgegenzuwirken.

In diesem Kontext wurden Jugendarbeiter:innen bestimmte Kreativmethoden (Storytelling, Filme machen und Grafikdesign) nähergebracht, die sie in ihrer Arbeit mit Jugendlichen einbinden können. Storytelling, Film und Grafikdesign wurden dabei als Chance und Möglichkeit gesehen und genutzt. Jugendliche wurden darin unterstützt, ihre Meinungen kreativ zu äußern und auch breitenwirksam zu präsentieren.


  • Ausbau und Förderung partizipativer Kompetenzen von Jugendarbeiter:innen und Jugendorganisationen.
  • Jugendliche motivieren, ihrer Unzufriedenheit in Form von kreativ-konstruktivem Engagement Ausdruck zu verleihen.
  • Jugendliche aus sieben europäischen Ländern zusammenbringen, um u.a. grenzüberschreitende Solidarität und Empathie zu fördern.
  • Umsetzung und Förderung von Kampagnen, die auf die Herausforderungen der europäischen Jugend aufmerksam machen.


  • Junge Menschen zwischen 16 und 20 Jahren.
  • Junge Menschen, die sozioökonomische Benachteiligung(en) erfahren bzw. erfahren haben.
  • Jugendarbeiter:innen und Menschen, die mit Jugendlichen arbeiten.
  • Jugendorganisationen.

Projektkoordinator: Ceipes  (Italien)

Projektpartner: Aspaym Castilla y Leon (Spanien), I&F Education (Irland), Eduact - Action for Education (Griechenland), Know and Can Association (Bulgarien), AICSCC - Gamma Institute (Rumänien), ÖJAB (Österreich)

Projektdauer: September 2022 – Oktober 2024

Projektnummer: 2022-1-IT03-KA220-YOU-000085031


Youth-Rec auf Social Media: Facebook  I Instagram I YouTube 

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  • Logo Europäische Union

Von der Europäischen Union finanziert. Die geäußerten Ansichten und Meinungen entsprechen jedoch ausschließlich denen des Autors bzw. der Autoren und spiegeln nicht zwingend die der Europäischen Union oder der Europäischen Exekutivagentur für Bildung und Kultur (EACEA) wider. Weder die Europäische Union noch die EACEA können dafür verantwortlich gemacht werden.


Förderung von jungen Frauen in nachhaltigen Berufen

Women4Green zielte darauf ab, Berufe im grünen Sektor (Nachhaltigkeitsbranche) für (junge) Frauen in der Berufsorientierungsphase bekannt, attraktiv und greifbar zu machen. Zusätzlich wurden Unternehmen in der Strategieimplementierung unterstützt, um Frauen gezielter ansprechen und anwerben zu können. Denn auch in der Nachhaltigkeitsbranche sind äußerst wenige Frauen tätig, obwohl diese Branche eine gute Zukunftsperspektive bietet.


  • Erstellung eines Katalogs mit Berufen des Grünen Sektors, der auch einen Überblick über relevante Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse für eine Karriere in diesem Bereich enthält.
  • Erstellung eines didaktischen Konzepts, das die Heranführung junger Frauen an grüne Berufe begleiten soll.
  • Entwicklung eines Podcasts, um eine Community aufzubauen und zu bestärken.
  • Erstellung von Lernmaterialien.
  • Durchführung von Workshops zur Berufsorientierung, für die ein eigenes Spiel entwickelt wurde.
  • Erstellung von Leitlinien für grüne Unternehmen, wie sie mehr Frauen gewinnen und einstellen können.


  • Stärkung des Interesses junger Frauen für Zukunftsberufe in der grünen Wirtschaft.
  • Förderung von Frauen in grünen Berufen (Berufe im Nachhaltigen Sektor).
  • Bereitstellung von Leitlinien, wie junge Frauen für künftige Berufe in der grünen Wirtschaft verstärkt interessiert und eingestellt werden können.
  • Unterstützung von jungen Frauen bei der Berufsorientierung.
  • Befähigung junger Frauen, sich für einen Beruf in der grünen Wirtschaft zu entscheiden.
  • Beitrag zur Gleichstellung der Geschlechter bei Arbeitsplätzen in der grünen Wirtschaft.


  • Junge Frauen  zwischen 14 und 20 Jahren, die sich in der Berufsorientierungsphase befinden
  • Berufsberatungsstellen für Jugendliche
  • Unternehmen im Nachhaltigkeitssektor

Im Rahmen des Projekts gibt es einen eigenen Podcast "Green Job - Dream Job?". Diesen kann man sich auf Spotify anhören. 

Projektkoordinator: bit Schulungscenter (Österreich)

Projektpartner: ÖJAB (Österreich), Jonathan Cooperativa Sociale (Italien), SBTC Danismanlik (Türkei)

Projektdauer: November 2021 – Oktober 2024

Projektnummer: 2021-1-AT01-KA220-YOU-000034217


Women4Green auf Social Media: Facebook I Instagram

  • Logo Women4Green
  • Logo EU und Erasmus+

Von der Europäischen Union finanziert. Die geäußerten Ansichten und Meinungen entsprechen jedoch ausschließlich denen des Autors bzw. der Autoren und spiegeln nicht zwingend die der Europäischen Union oder der Europäischen Exekutivagentur für Bildung und Kultur (EACEA) wider. Weder die Europäische Union noch die EACEA können dafür verantwortlich gemacht werden.


Digitales Mindset für Pflegekräfte

DiMiCare - Digital Mindset for Carers (Erasmus+ Projekt) zielte darauf ab, die digitalen Kompetenzen von Pflegeassistenzkräften und Haushaltshilfen zu verbessern. Gelungen ist dies durch die Entwicklung eines umfassenden und flexiblen Trainingspakets, das aus einem modularen Trainingskurs und multimedialen Mikro-Lerneinheiten besteht. Das Präsenz- und Online-Trainingsangebot hilft der Zielgruppe, die für ihre täglichen Arbeitsprozesse relevanten digitalen Kompetenzen zu verbessern und das Potenzial sowie die effiziente Nutzung von pflegebezogenen Technologien kennenzulernen.


  • DiMiCare Grundlagendokument: Das Dokument analysiert die aktuellen Trends des Technologieeinsatzes in den niedrig qualifizierten Pflegeberufen, bestehende Ausbildungsangebote und identifizierte Trainingsbedarfe in den jeweiligen Ländern.
  • Modularer DiMiCare-Trainingskurs: Der Kurs richtet sich an Haushaltshilfen und Pflegeassistenzkräfte und kann als Online-, Präsenz- oder Hybridkurs in die berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung integriert werden.
  • DiMiCare-Mikro-Lerneinheiten: Die Mikro-Lerneinheiten sind als kurze und einfache multimediale Online-Angebote konzipiert, die Pflegefachkräften ein individuelles Lernen am Arbeitsplatz ermöglichen.


  • Pflegeassistent:innen und Haushaltshilfen, die ihre beruflichen digitalen Kompetenzen erweitern möchten.
  • Fachkräfte der beruflichen Erstausbildung und Weiterbildung sowie Einrichtungen, die Pflegeassistent:innen und Haushaltshilfen ausbilden.
  • Multiplikator:innen, z. B. lokale, regionale, nationale und europäische Netzwerke in der beruflichen Bildung.
  • Entscheidungsträger:innen, die das Berufsbildungsangebot auf lokaler, regionaler, nationaler und europäischer Ebene beeinflussen können.
  • Die allgemeine Öffentlichkeit.


  • Die Stakeholder im Pflege- und Berufsbildungssektor für das Potenzial der Technologie in der Pflege zu sensibilisieren.
  • Sichtbar machen der Notwendigkeit einer Erweiterung der Aus- und Weiterbildungsangebote, um digitale Kompetenzen. 
  • Das Bewusstsein der Pflegefachkräfte für die Vorteile digitaler Technologien in ihrer beruflichen Praxis zu schärfen.


Hier gibt es einen Flyer zur Projektübersicht sowie einen der veröffentlichen Newsletter: 


Projektkoordinator: die Berater (Österreich)

Projektpartner: ÖJAB (Österreich), SOSU (Dänemark), ENAIP (Italien), Landstede (die Niederlanden)

Projektdauer: November 2022 – Oktober 2024

Projektnummer: 2022-1-AT01-KA220-VET-000085278


DiMi Care auf Social Media: LinkedIn

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  • Logo Europäische Union mit EU Flagge

Von der Europäischen Union finanziert. Die geäußerten Ansichten und Meinungen entsprechen jedoch ausschließlich denen des Autors bzw. der Autoren und spiegeln nicht zwingend die der Europäischen Union oder der Europäischen Exekutivagentur für Bildung und Kultur (EACEA) wider. Weder die Europäische Union noch die EACEA können dafür verantwortlich gemacht werden.