DiMi Care
Digital Mindset for Carers
The Erasmus+ project DiMiCare – Digital Mindset for Carers aims to enhance professional digital competences of care assistants and home helpers by developing a comprehensive and flexible training package consisting of a modular training course and multimedia micro-learning units. The face-to-face and online training offer will help the target group to improve their digital competences relevant for their daily work processes and to learn about the potential and efficient use of care-related technologies.
By adressing the digital training needs of care professionals the project wants to raise awareness of stakeholders in the care and VET sector about the potential of technology in care and the necessity to reflect this role in IVET and CVET offers.
three key results
- DiMiCare Ground Work Paper: analyses the present trends of technology deployment in the lower qualified elderly care professions, existing training offers and identified training needs
- Modular DiMiCare Training Course for home helpers and care assistants which can be integrated in IVET and CVET and implemented as an online, face-to-face or hybrid course
- Set of DiMiCare Micro-Learning Units, a short and simple multimedia online offer that allows care professionals for individual learning at the work place.
Project target groups
The target groups are:
- Care assistants and home helpers who want to enhance their professional digital competences
- IVET and CVET professionals and institutions which provide training to care assistants and home helpers
- Multipliers, e.g. local, regional, national and European networks in VET
- Decision-makers who can influence the VET provision at local, regional, national and European level
- The general public
Projektkoordinator: die Berater (Österreich)
Projektpartner: ÖJAB (Österreich), SOSU (Dänemark), ENAIP (Italien), Landstede (die Niederlanden)
Projektwebsite: https://dimicare.eu/
DiMi Care auf Social Media: LinkedIn
Projektlaufzeit: November 2022 - Oktober 2024
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